there's not much to show here just now! I finally finished the fletta cardigan, but I didn't upload the pictures - yet. it was late at night and with a flash, so I think I might have to adjust the pix a lot to show the true colours (or at least as true as I can make them....). the finished cardigan was packed up and sent away only a few hours after I added the last touches and there was no time to wait for sunshine or even just daylight:) talking about last minute gifts....
I also finished two other knitted gifts - which I can't show before christmas. and I did another project - which has to wait after the pattern is published, because it was a test crochet.
I did however change the header picture - this is what the last few mornings looked like! below zero temperatures meant that everything was white with rime, but it all melted away quickly during the day. today we woke up with rain - but at least it meant that the roads had no icy patches! it looks nice - but can be rather dangerous for bicycle riders! the weather forecasters are funny guys (and girls) - some of them predict more of the same, some colder spells, but a lot of rain and no real snow etc. for some time to come. others however predict a very cold, icy and snowy spell for all of us for a prolonged time - actually it should already be here and last until the new year! what to believe now?
at least I have plenty of materials to do the christmas baking - and it's high time now! I made two sorts, peanut butter cookies - one of our absolute favourites (recipe on page above). and mocca-hazelnut macaroons - which are ok, but won't make it on our list, because they flattened out a bit and don't really taste very special. and now I am off to do more - not sure which ones, but I have to do coconut macaroons at least!:) and I started a new knitting project - to be enjoyed this evening. it's the best stage of knitting - when you are still full of enthusiasm about the project and can't wait to get your hands on those needles:) best of all - when it's a project that will be finished before the absolute boredom sets in that usually befalls me, when I am working on a larger project!
und dann dieses so typisch irische runde fütterungs-dingensda. es ist wohl so, dass ihr da oben die freezing spells habt und bei uns ist es noch recht mild, aber den ultimativen regen hatten wir gestern nacht auch. danach wurde es dafür umso schöner. wärmliche grüße von der irischen riviera wie ich heute in einem reiseführer von 1946 fand, habe ihn für 5 euro im charity shop erstanden. dazu ein wundervolles teil aus weißer handbestickter feiner baumwolle, dessen verwendung ich nicht nachvollziehen kann, so eine art kopfkissenbezug aber eher wie ein großer postumschlag, also in keinster weise betttauglich verschließbar. drin war eine art stempel "nurse shannon", hat nur 50 cent gekostet.
Eliane - ja leider, das ding stoert im bild ganz schoen:) gehoert aber dem nachbarn, und in die andere richtung ging die sonne leider nicht auf!
das kleine teil aus dem charity shop ist vielleicht so ein teil fuer die ladies, in das man frueher ein edles nachthemd gelegt hat? vor der zeit, wo bw-pyjamas einfach unter die bettdecke gestopft wurden?:)
Brrrrrr-glad you are making progress of the knitting. Have a good time baking, too!
We've been having a mild spell with little snow to speak of. Your weather looks beautiful, but ice is rather treacherous. I haven't started my holiday baking yet this year. With so many dietary differences in the family, it's getting more fussy to bake.
Your header photo makes me chilly!, LOL. We've been lucky until just a day ago. Now the wind is blowing and bitterly cold. At least we'll have a cozy Chrismas. Hope yours is a happy one Bettina!
Hallo Bettina!
Hier regnet es leider nur, und zwar doofen Dauerregen. Es soll auch über Weihnachten sehr mild werden, also keine Spur von so schönem Frost wie auf deinem Foto.
Nächstes Jahr kann ich dir ja Samen sammeln von der Palace Purple, dann geht's ab nach Irland mit denen!
Ich wünsche dir schöne Feiertage!
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