

Friday 19 October 2012

a few things do get finished!

I am in the early stages of christmas present production.... which means that I start a lot of different things and don't have much to show for it - yet. today I finally sent off several finished projects - some of which should have been with their recipient weeks ago:( but at least I have slightly less stuff flying all over the place:) and my conscience is clean(er), too!
I did however finish my (until I decide otherwise) revontuli:
 the pattern is slightly more than a half circle and it stays up nicely over the shoulders. it's very soft and warm - the only thing that I don't like so much is the jump from white to grey. I am pretty sure I'll do another one at some stage and when I do I plan to use intuition more than mathematics on the colour blends! with this one it would look better if I had added another grey, mostly white with just a small amount of grey blended it - to smoothen the colour progress a bit. the pattern (free on ravelry, thank you to the designer!) is very simple to knit, though I have to say that close to 600 sts for each row towards the end - tend to be a bit boring to knit. I worked about 80 more rows than the original design shows, because my yarn was much finer and I wanted to use up all my yarn. in the end I had to spin a bit more of the white, for the last back row and the attached i-cord edge (not in the o-pattern either). when I saw a lovely petrol blend here (next to last pic), I decided that I should try this colour flow out myself soon. or maybe some nice purple tones?
this "knubbelchen" (transl. = small knob, not a nice name for a little doll:) pattern is free on ravelry, too - even in english, if you're interested. I liked the simple make-up of it. I was looking for something cuddly for a baby or very small child - always a bit iffy, because things can be chewed off or unraveled - which can be very dangerous at that age! the hands and feet of this doll are just knots in the knitted fabric; nothing can fall off (the only sewn thing is the hat - and I think that is too large to be swallowed), everything but the hat is worked in one piece. no eyes to attach and the cotton/wool sock wool is machine washable and doesn't pill. it went into the mail today, together with the baby cardie, but I'll make some more, because we have more babies in the extended family:)
I can't show you anything else I am working on just now, because all projects are intended gifts... I can show you a find from the garden though:


strawbs gone loony - some are flowering, some are laden with green fruits - and some even ripen, though they just don't get enough sun and warmth to taste like real strawberries. still, it's nice to eat a few at this time of the year; together with some blueberries they made a nice addition to my granola:)
off to do a bit of knitting -or crochet? or maybe some ironing - what a choice:)


Delighted Hands said...

Definitely a no-brainer!!!lol
The shawl turned out beautifully! I marked the pattern for the doll-as I have grandkids in triplicate this year, it will come in handy-thanks! Yours is adorable, btw. The strawberries would be a welcome addition to the day-neat that you have them now!

Jana Muchalski said...

Liebe Bettina,
Dein Revontuli begeistert mich richtig. Er sieht aus, als könntest Du damit Deine Schwingen ausbreiten und abheben ;) Dieses Muster ist mir in seiner schlichten Schönheit das allerliebste für Tücher, obwohl ich nicht weiß, ob ich die Geduld für die vielen Maschen auf den letzten Reihen aufbringen würde. Gerade bei der Größe, die Du gewählt hast... Auch das kleine Zipfelpüppchen für Babys finde ich sehr gelungen. Den Link werde ich mir mal abspeichern.
Bei mir reifen immer noch die späten Himbeeren. Jeden zweiten Tag kann ich naschen gehen und da ich die einzige bin, die hier frisches Obst essen kann, wachsen sie nur für mich ;)
Liebe Grüße und Dir ein schönes Wochenende! Wir verbringen es im Garten, wollen die Hecke und Büsche beschneiden und den Garten winterfest machen.

Andrea D. said...

Wow! Dein Revontuli sieht richtig klasse aus! Wo ich das Tuch jetzt so fertig sehe, finde ich es überhaupt nicht störend, dass der Übergang zum Weiß krasser ist als die anderen Farbwechsel, weil es ja die Abschlussborte ist.

Das Püppchen sieht so richtig schön knuddelig aus. Bekommt es kein Gesicht aufgestickt?

Hmmm, auf Erdbeeren hätte ich auch schon Lust...

LG Andrea

kristieinbc said...

I love that doll! It is perfect for a small toddler since it has no bits to be chewed off. I am going to go have a look on Ravelry. Thanks for the idea! And your shawl is very pretty!

Woolly Bits said...

Cindy - I know, the mountain of ironing is still the same height:)
and I started a new doll, they knit up fast and I have enough leftovers for more....

Jana - ich glaube, fuers abheben haette ich noch diverse reihen mehr stricken muessen:) himbeeren hab ich uebrigens auch noch, die sammel ich jetzt fuer weihnachten, damits zum nachtisch eine leckere himbeersauce gibt! (bis auf die, die "versehentlich" getestet werden muessen:)

Andrea - ja, vielleicht bin ich auch nur wieder picky, aber mit einem besseren uebergang waers vielleicht noch schoener geworden?:)
und die puppe hat kein gesicht mehr bekommen. ich mag es ohne, weil ich gelesen habe, dass es die phantasie der kinder anregt. und eben auch keine stimmung ausdrueckt, wie ein aufgemaltes oder -gesticktes gesicht! abgesehen davon, dass man nichts abkauen kann, was nicht da ist:)

Kristie - that was exactly the reason, why I liked it, too! and it's easy to do - and washable! not to be underestimated with small kids...