time to catch up with blogging! I managed to work a few presents in time - but as it was "just in time" - I forgot to take pix of everything. I did however take one of a piece of embroidery, which I made as part of a book cover. the book was a coffee-table book about ireland and I thought a three-leaf clover is just the right motif for this. I didn't design this myself - I used a picture I found on a postcard for st. patrick's day, but changed it to suit my embroidery. the original had loads of tiny dots, which would have been total overload in beads, so I only put a few on here and there:
I also finished the yarn from fluff - by plying it with some fine natural white wool yarn, commercially spun. I was told that it felts easily, so the plan to use it for socks was scrapped. I'll keep it for now, maybe it will be used for a hat or mittens? it's not a huge amount but should be enough if I use a bit more from the white yarn as well.
as I said january wasn't our best month! not only did we discover the roof problems, my teeth gave me trouble (still do:(() - I also managed a total yarn disaster! I had spun a blend from 70 % cotton and 30 % wool. superwash wool I thought (would have made sense, because the other blends used superwash wool and I expected that this would certainly be the case in a blend with cotton!) I plied it with fine cotton and dyed it with procion mx dyes. the plan was to make a baby blanket like a meadow with daisies. the base was supposed to be green, with big fat yellow dots around which I'd sew i-cords in white for the flowers. white, no problem. yellow - great. green worked well too, but when I rinsed it a lot of dye came out... I decided to put it all into the washing machine for a quick cycle on low temperature. when the machine had finished and the door opened - I discovered 5 of those Bob Marley skeins like the one above:(( for a few minutes I wasn't sure whether to laugh at my stupidity or to cry because I managed to destroy 750 g of lovely material.... eventually I decided that I have no use for 5 green door wreaths, so I started to entangle the first small skein a bit. to my surprise the strands were quite easily separated and off I went. it took me quite a few hours to turn the felt into yarn again - but I managed to and I am glad I did, because the yarn feels very nice and soft and knits up well, too!
this is the yellow (unfelted) yarn and the green (felted and separated again). there is a visible difference, the green yarn looks a bit like boucle, but it's usable and feels nice to the touch - and is not likely to felt again, when the blanket has to be washed:))
it was a relief to be able to use the yarn after all - I am not easily depressed, but when nothing works as planned even I can get a bit down. I nearly finished a few other projects as well, but I have to wait for a few bits and pieces I need to complete them.
I thought I was the only one who did things like you did finishing the embroidery. Makes it all the more a relief to have it done, doesn't it!
That's such good news about the electrical damage. And an even bigger relief, I'm sure.
Nice recovery with the green yarn! I recently shrunk a pair of Dan's socks that I thought were superwash! I do love your marled yarn. So pretty with the natural white. It will be lovely no matter what you do with it.
samstag nachmittag hatte opa ja ein paar gäste. stolz zeigte er seine geschenke. mit jutta, die deine stickerei sehr bewunderte, überlegte er dann, was das motiv wohl sein könnte. meine vorschlag -kleeblatt- wurde dann nach kurzem überlegen akzeptiert. ;-)
Wow, what a roller coaster but all with happy endings......what a hoot to see the green 'wreath'! So glad the yarn came apart-amazing!
Leigh - not at all, I've done some dumb things before - like putting sleeves in the wrong way round etc.:)) esp. when I am short of time (which I usually am, because I am a "last-minute-girl":))
and yes, it was a great relief to see that we won't have to leave the house - the yarn didn't even come close in comparison:))
Sandra - ich fass es nicht, das ist doch voellig eindeutig ein kleeblatt, oder???? danke fuer deinen vorschlag - demnaechst schreibe ich dann noch einen titel zu meinem werk:)) ich haett ja gedacht, dass es vor allem zusammen mit dem buch drin eindeutig ist? naja, kuenstler werden ja gern mistverstanden:))
Cindy - yep, nothing like a bit of excitement in life:)) and now I can laugh about the feltyarn - but I didn't think it was such a hoot when I pulled the green mess out of the wash:)) well, live and learn - now I know how to make boucle yarn in a different way:))
I'm so glad the yarn for the blanket worked out so well in the end. The colours are so nice and bright, like spring in yarn balls!
The embroidery is lovely and perfect for a book about Ireland! I've learned from experience that I should never sew things together when I'm tired or it's late. I make all the mistakes and it takes me 3 times as long to fix them.
Hallo Bettina,
weiterhin gute Besserung für Zähne und Dach!
Möchtest du in diesem Jahr wieder Knöterichsamen haben? Dann sag mir kurz Bescheid!
Ich habe übrigens jetzt auch einen Blog, ganz frisch:
Kannst ja mal zu "Besuch" kommen.
Liebe Grüße,
hallo hallo
oh je, ist ja graesslich mit dem dach!!! wuensche guten fortschritt mit den reperaturen! und natuerlich auch gute besserung mit dem zahn! ich habe letztes jahr dasselbe dilemma mit garn gehabt, welche ich bloederweise in die maschine geworfen hatte... hat auch wie bei dir funktioniert, es zu entwirren, und jetzt ists ein pullover :-)
lg aus pembrokeshire
Hallo Bettina!
Da finde ich endlich Deinen Blog und dann lese ich von all dem Ärger, den das neue Jahr Dir schon brachte! Ich hoffe, von jetzt an geht es steil bergauf!
Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland,
tausend dank für dein angebot, sehr aufmerksam! ich bin gerade in berlin, habe eine recht schnelle leitung zur verfügung und rate mal, wofür ich die nutze? ja, zum runterladen von nicht-irland-internet-tauglichen katalogen! und zum youtuben. danke trotzdem!
Well ... maybe this could go as a sort of Artyarn? Good that you managed to separate them. They look lovely, after all!
ach, jetzt weiß ich auch, wie "felted tweed" hergestellt wird und mir ist nun klar, wieso es so teuer ist ;)
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