

Thursday 15 July 2010

check it out!

Jana, a german fibre artist, has a giveaway on her blog just now - why don't you go and check this out here? ok, the text is in german and you're supposed to leave a comment to be in - but even if you "only" go there to check the pix - I guarantee you'll be impressed and inspired by her work! I always drool over her projects - esp. the felting is something I don't do myself, so I can only stand and stare at her daring and colourful designs.... the first photo of the felted and embroidered pillow is one of my favourites - and the reason I left a comment, even though I usually don't do this, when a giveaway is involved  (I don't like it that people, who normally don't bother to leave a comment, suddenly "crawl out of the woodwork" because there is a price to be won:(( if they don't usually take the time to comment, why can they find it all of a sudden, when they might get a reward??? I do read a few blogs without leaving a comment - but I wouldn't join a giveaway there either.) and yes, before you think I am a total hypocrite - I do read her blog and leave comments:))


Sandra said...

oh, nix wie los mit dir. das war doch eh das kissen, was du sooooo toll gefunden hast, oder? :)

Woolly Bits said...

ja genau - aber bei meinem gewinnglueck wird das sowieso nix.... zumal hunderte von zuschriften kamen und bestimmt noch kommen - wie gesagt, vermutlich zum groessten teil von leuten, die sonst nie kommentieren! immerhin hab ich mir das bild gespeichert und kann ab und an mal schmachtend davorhocken:))

Sandra said...

wenn ich gewinne, schenk ich's dir ;-)

Woolly Bits said...

danke - das erhoeht meine gewinnchance ja dann erheblich:))

Delighted Hands said...

Nice link-thanks for the heads up.