

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

the "two entries a year" blog....

hello again! long time no see, I know... they say that the days are getting shorter and it's true! somehow there are never enough hours in a day:) by the time I've finished everything I meant to do (and often not even that!) the day is over and I haven't blogged - again. so - I'll try to be better!
anyway, of course I've finished many things during the past few months. I didn't exactly count all the socks I finished, but there must have been at least 10 or more pairs... some went out so fast that I didn't even take pictures. I did a few for myself, tried out a few new patterns and one new cast-on.
difficult to see here, but I started by doing the shells on top of the rib. it's done with a cast-on over a crochet hook, easy to do, found it somewhere on pinterest. the green sock on the left has a pattern that's called laburnum, and the "christmassy" looking sock on the right - is from the same book (Charlene Schurch), but I forgot the name:) both hand-dyed yarns; I think the green was done with food dyes, and the red with the colour crabapple plus leftovers from Gaywool Dyes. 
I am also working on a men's cardigan, made from soft donegal (from Donegal Tweed Company in Kilkarra). the pattern is from the new book by Anna Zilboorg, splendid apparel. there are lots of different patterns, all shown "naked" and also embroidered, the main feature of the book. I will finish the pattern first and see how much adornment via embroidery I'll add - it's for a man, so shouldn't be overly much decorated! I did a gauge, which I often skip, but I thought that the pattern will draw in a bit - and it does!
I also used up the yarn blend yak/silk, dyed with lac, which I originally used for knitting the Morvarch shawl. it was a bit too smooth/silky to my liking for the morvarch, but it drapes perfectly for the "rosered" cowl from "enchanted knits". and it's very soft and lovely to wear. 
I wasn't sure if I could finish another small cowl with the little bit of leftover - but it worked. I had about 5 m left, when I did the cast-off on this feather-and-fan cowl. oddly enough this is my favourite just now - not quite as close to the neck, good for the not yet very cold days on the bicycle:)
this is the pattern "olive garden", free on ravelry. it drapes beautifully, esp. due to the many beads that are used in the design. I added two pattern repeats to make it a bit larger and it is nice to wear - and very nice to knit! the only drawback to the pattern is that the last row (crocheted!) takes ages - because of all the added beads. but it's worth all the work, I think! 
I also started to use up some of the "tons" of leftover bits of sockwool. I quickly got hooked on the beekeeper's quilt pattern, lots of little hexagons, filled with polyfill. I didn't think of a use for them at first, but suddenly realized that they'll make nice covers for my garden chairs. they are washable, but soft and squishy, nice to sit on - and use up bits and pieces. I need about 10 m for each and it takes approx. 20 minutes to finish one hexie. bit by bit the bag filled - and after about 100+ hexies plus a bit of sewing and an attached i-cord all around....
.... the pillows were finished:) in the meantime two more bags of sockwool bits have arrived, so that I'll probably have enough to start a small cover/blanket from it. I think I'd sort the colours a bit though, less higgledypiggledy, more colour coded, maybe mostly blues? I don't have enough of purple sock yarns for a big project:)
 I also finished a table mat in EPP. the recipient loves ox-eyed daisies, so I picked out different whites (some pure white, some with white-on-white prints), some yellow/orangey tones and the green/white/yellow base fabric. I didn't fussy-cut the background, but I did try to have the pattern match a little bit, to avoid odd cut-offs. after finishing the top, I made a ring out of hexies in background fabric, which followed the edge pattern. when folded over, it makes a nice edge, instead of a regular binding. another thing I found on pinterest:) there's no quilting again - I just knotted embroidery floss into the yellow middles to fuse the thermolam and the background fabric to the top. but for some reason blogger doesn't allow me to push the photo to the left, like the rest... maybe that's my punishment for not blogging for so long?:)
anyway - that's enough for now, I think. I hope to blog more regularly again now that monsoon season is upon us again!


Delighted Hands said...

Oooo, meaty stuff you are working on and tons of lovely finished objects, too! I do enjoy Anna Zilborg....she has a quirky/creative mind! The cowl is very pretty in the silky yarn -nice match for the pattern. I haven't been in a knitting mood lately-I think I am sock deprived! I can just imagine what it would be like to sit on the hexie cushions!

Stefan said...

Cindy - Anna Zilboorg is brilliant, I think! have you seen her "perfect buttonhole" online? it is just that,even though it looks a bit complicated at first: http://www.whistlinggirlknits.com/tutorials/
and with your output in quilting I am surprised that you'd find any time for knitting at all:)
the hexie cushions are nice and soft - and at the moment I am working on an idea with unfilled hexies - for a bag! more to come.....and thanks for being here - despite my months of silence:)

Elke Schwarzer said...

Hallo Bettina,
das Bienenwabenprojekt sieht toll aus, ich mag auch die vielen Farben.
Im Winter kann es nicht bunt genug sein.
Hier ist es momentan auch stürmisch, vielleicht haben wir diesmal dasselbe Wetter.

Stefan said...

hallo Elke, der sturm ist grad vorbei - aber ich glaube, der naechste zieht schon wieder uebers grosse wasser = typisches herbst/winter wetter hier:)
und die vielen farben bei dem kissen - ich wollte alle reste verarbeiten und nicht sortieren - aber zum drauf sitzen ist es auch was anderes als zum anziehen, finde ich:) da wuerde ich dann doch ein paar der farben vorher aussortieren...

Nina said...

I'm so happy you're back! I love all your projects. You have been really busy. The Olive Garden shawl is spectacular. I love the colour and the beads.

Eliane Zimmermann said...

mein einer blog ist ja auch eher zum 'just-a-few-post-a-year'-blog mutiert.... aber ich habe viele andere dinge geschafft! schön, wieder von dir zu hören. gruß aus dem sehr stürmisch-regnerischen südwesten, eliane

Woolly Bits said...

Nina - thanks, I doubt I'll ever be the "new entry each day" blogger, but I am going to try:) and the olive garden is a really nice knit, not difficult at all, as long as the beads have reasonably large holes. it's only the last cast-off row, which takes time....

Eliane - man kann eben nur eine gewisse menge "arbeit" am tag schaffen, alles nicht lebenswichtige (wie der blog) muss dann eben warten. beruhigend, dass es nicht nur mir so geht:) stuermisch und regnerisch ist es hier ja leider auch - ich haette ganz gern mal wieder zwei bis drei tage in folge ohne regen und/oder wind - aber das scheint in diesem jahr nix mehr zu werden:(

Janet McKee said...

Hello Bettina - Happy Holidays. Keep knitting and blogging about all your projects sometime. Janet, still knitting and doing lots of other *stuff* in Seattle.

Sprotte said...

Hallo Bettina,

danke für den tollen Tipp mit Anna Zilboorg - die Designs sehen wunderschön aus. Opulent und doch so reduziert, dass es nicht so bayrisch-trachtenmäßig wirkt.

und was die Bloggerei angeht, mach dir doch keinen Stress! Viel wichtiger ist doch, dass du Spaß an deinem kreativen Tun hast.

Ich bin selbst auch nicht wirklich konsequent und habe häufig keine Lust zum Schreiben. Es ist doch auch erstaunlich, wie lange man an manchen Posts sitzt. Da ich im Moment versuche, meine Kursangebote in der neuen Umgebung bekannter zu machen, muss ich da am Ball bleiben. Aber wenn ich die Wahl habe, knappe Zeit am Spinnrad oder am Computer zu verbringen, fällt die Entscheidung nicht schwer :-)

Ich wünsche dir schöne Feiertage und viel Muße zu Werkeln!