

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

two more....

two books that is - and two more purple skeins untangled:)

I've always been a book fan - even as a child my favourite christmas and birthday gifts were books. as soon as they were unwrapped, I became silent and started reading! nothing has changed, I still ask for books as gifts - and here are two I received for christmas (or at least bought with money I received for christmas:):
this is a weighty tome of a book - well, it has to be because practically everything about knitting is in it. I thought the price was very reasonable, though the book does not contain any colour pictures, just drawings. it really does cover pretty much anything you could look for - and it has been totally revised and chapters were added. but I still prefer my smaller "dictionary" written by Montse Stanley. it might be out of print, but is available very cheaply - and well worth it!

another "bible", albeit a small one. it does however contain everything you'd need to successfully knit socks, and all in one small book. the spiral binding keeps it open nicely and the smaller size fits easily into my "knitter's corner". I am sure that I have all the different heels, toes and insteps explained somewhere else, but if I have to start hunting around for them it tends to take a while to find the stuff I want - and also I get waylaid far too easily, when I start to leaf through books and mags! the one downside - it's not exactly cheap for the size of the book - at least compared with the one above!


Delighted Hands said...

I was tempted by the sock knitting book but it takes a lot to get me to buy a knitting book. I will look for some frenzy of sock knitting on your part!

Woolly Bits said...

Cindy - I am already in a frenzy:) not all socks - I started the DK part of my Fia this morning... and changed and finished the first of the Deluge socks. I gave up on the thought that I could do the upper part in another colour, it looked awful:( so I ripped out as much as would be needed for the 2nd sock, leaves enough leg for me - and finished with a rib. but before I start knitting the 2nd sock - I'll do a proper pair in the other colour:) knitting frenzy at least....
what I found odd with the big Hiatt book - all the things such as afterthought heels had different names and it took me ages to find them. that's where the dedicated sock book comes in handy. but if you have access to stuff online and don't mind searching for stuff, when you need to, I am sure you can do without it! I'd go for the radcliffe book about knitting in colour any time! it's the one book I wouldn't want to be without anymore....

Elke Schwarzer said...

Ob ich das wohl wieder lernen könnte mit so einem Buch?
Die Titelbilder sehen ja schon immer sehr einladend aus!

Woolly Bits said...

Elke - es gibt doch bestimmt auch bei dir in der gegend irgendwo eine strickgruppe, wo man dir "auf die spruenge" helfen koennte. einmal gelernt kommt das schnell wieder - wie radfahren:) wenn alle stricke reissen, sind auch die leute in handarbeitslaeden meist bereit, einem nochmal kurz weiterzuhelfen (schliesslich will man ja neue kunden "zuechten":). und wenn alle stricke reissen - auf youtube findet man wirklich ein filmchen ueber alles, was stricken/haekeln betrifft!