...sometimes I am amazed about the things people knit or crochet. ok, who am I to talk - given the recent sock madness:) but when I saw these two designs in very old machine knitting magazines I recently "inherited" I couldn't believe my eyes:
back to one of my new projects - a crochet scarf called "Kringel". the first test in silk didn't convince me - not because of the pattern, but because the very smooth silk yarn distorted the pattern and I thought this wouldn't improve after blocking. I started over again in a wool/ramie blend, which made a big difference: the stitches stay where they should be and the slight variation in colour adds interest, but doesn't distract from the pattern. pictures tomorrow - at least if I can take any good ones in this too brilliant sunshine (I know, I am complaining - again:))
Very cool projects but they don't tempt me to knit them either! Thanks for sharing the pics, tho!
Knitted car seat covers? I admit they look great but they would take me years to make! Interesting idea though.
gestern geschrieben, doch dann funktionierte noch nicht einmal das abschicken: unsere leitung ist mal wieder so erlahmt, dass nur "weiße bilder" bei dir zu sehen sind, die autositze würde ich ja zu gerne sehen, aber gute idee, in den feuchten irischen wintern allemal!!! inzwischen kann ich auch die bilder sehen. und unser lokales wetter hier ist zum k..... (nach nur anderthalb tagen "heat wave"....
Das sind ja tolle alte Bilder. Sitzbezüge selber machen? Das würde ich niemals schaffen. Sieht bei einem Oldtimer aber auf jeden Fall auch besser aus als bei einem modernen Auto.
I can't imagine the knitted car seat covers either. Maybe they want them to be warm in the winter?
If the scond picture is a cape with a hood....that would be a great thing to knit with a knitting machine...but in a nice colour and not with flowery bands...Marcella in Holland
Cindy - I like looking at older patterns, but with some of the projects it's hard to imagine that someone actually worked them! not sure that knitted saddle covers for my bike would work that well:)
Leigh - the magazines all show machine knitted projects, so I'd say timewise they are workable. I don't think many people would bother doing this by hand!
Eliane - unser wetter war letzte woche nicht so uebel - dafuer saufen wir heute ab (und morgen wohl auch nochmal:() sommer in irland!
Elke - stimmt, aber da ich weder das eine noch das andere besitze, werde ich mir sowas sparen, auf dem fahrradsattel brauche ich sowas dann doch nicht:)
Nina - don't know, maybe the seat covers were wrecked and the knitted ones used to cover the damage up?
Marcella - yes, the cape actually has a hood. are you interested in the pattern? if so, pm me please (again?)....
I had to laugh! I would love a truck seat cover! To each his own, I guess. :-)
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