

Sunday 8 July 2007

it's a jungle out there!

you could sing this line - and it's true. after the warm spell and the weeks of rain it's not a garden anymore - but a jungle. I tried to walk around on the paths a short while ago, but everything is so overgrown by now that I am wet up to the waist - and got nettle stings up to my elbow:( not funny - I think I am going to refuse working in there until the paths at least are usable again! I did take some pix - the dicigam is great for general use, but for close-ups I still prefer the "normal" one! let nobody say that eucalyptus doesn't grow in ireland! they do and to quite a large size (comments of the gardening neighbour about 10 times a year: "look at the stem!":)) they also flower - but that picture was a bit wobbly, I have to take a new one another time - as it started raining again....
some nice colour combinations popped up too - I like the red of the crocosmia"Luzifer" together with the yellow Lysimachia.
and the bench under the large ash tree is pretty overgrown now, but gives a nice "framed" view; in a year or two the cypresses should be closing the upper gap!
nothing new on the textile front - I am still spinning the wool/silk mixture, which is totally lovely, to put it into the delphinium dye bath (which starts to smell a bit yucky, I better hurry up with the yarn!). and I took some of the turquoises and blues out for the crochet bag, the first sample was ok, but I'll try a few more before I decide which one I'll use. I did receive the crochet book Donna Kooler's Encyclopedia of Crochet from borrowbooks.ie - so I can start with crocheting the scarf with diamond or spider pattern that was shown in the latest spin-off magazine. I still have quite a lot of tussah silk left over from the cushion and might even be able to do a similar dye job on it later!

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